söndag 22 september 2013

Special Citat: IRC-logg

Först av allt vill jag varna för att detta inlägg är både långt och kan väcka anstöt hos känsliga.
Det här är en chat-log som Jens skickat till mig där han diskuterar djupa saker som går från äppelpaj och tuttar till Guds sexualitet.
Jag tänkte först korta ned den och dra ut snuttar här och där som var riktigt kul, men insåg snabbt att det skulle förlora mycket av poängen och sammanhang.
Så här är ett special inlägg tillägnat loggen, long and uncut! Hoppas ni får er ett skratt :)

(~Kuei) http://cdn1.cdnme.se/cdn/7-2/1964986/images/2010/sdc10078_80793839_108216448.jpg
(~Kuei) PIE!
(~Kuei) \m/
(@FatMus2) that looks like a biscuit
(~Kuei) it be pie
(@FatMus2) if you say so
(~Kuei) crumplepie
(~Kuei) with apples
(@FatMus2) enjoy
(@FatMus2) before it gets cold
(~Kuei) you have some!?
(~Kuei) gimme some
(~Kuei) gimme gimme gimme
(@FatMus2) wait
(@FatMus2) that wasnt you taking a pic?
(@FatMus2) like you usually do?
(~Kuei) what?
(~Kuei) fuck no
(@FatMus2) oh
(~Kuei) I just googled it
(~Kuei) silly mus
(@FatMus2) wha
(~Kuei) I'm tierd
(~Kuei) that's why I'm acting out
(@FatMus2) its not my fault you built yourself up as a guy who does that
(@FatMus2) xD
(~Kuei) wait a minute..
(~Kuei) I can make pie!
(~Kuei) oh wait I can't
(~Kuei) don't have the things needed
(~Kuei) maybe I'll just force it onto someone else
(~Kuei) I wonder what mom is up to
(~Kuei) serious talk though
(~Kuei) is there such a thing as apple-noodles?
(~Kuei) I got Dragon's Crown today
(~Kuei) it has enormous boobs and other things
(~Kuei) and now time for tacos
(@Keyblade9) wooo
(@Keyblade9) one piece romance dawn is coming to NA
(~Kuei) and how is that related to pie, apple-noodles, tacos, Dragon's Crown or boobs?
(@Keyblade9) the girls on one piece have huge boobs
(~Kuei) you are forgiven
(~Kuei) I have not seen one piece though
(@Keyblade9) haha
(@_SilentBob_) who doesn't like boobs?
(@Keyblade9) It's pretty good though
(@Keyblade9) not many people are fans of the art
(@Keyblade9) but it have pretty good quality
(Cheeney) huge boobs
(Cheeney) and pencil bodies
(Cheeney) lol
(@Keyblade9) Luffy does considering it's one of the reasons why he use Rose lol
(~Kuei) wat
(~Kuei) Because boobs?
(@Keyblade9) http://www.eventhubs.com/news/2013/sep/19/i-chose-rose-because-size-her-breasts-interview-luffy-rose-changes-shadowloo-showdown-2013-best-players-region-and-more/
(~Kuei) Psychostick has made a song called "Because boobs"
(~Kuei) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dcYlytyuKsc&hd=1
(@_SilentBob_) keyblade9 I chose cody because of the size of his wrench
(@Keyblade9) well hotness is one of the reasons why I chose Ibuki lol
(@Keyblade9) but more so that she's a ninja
(@Keyblade9) then again hotness is always a factor as to most of the girls I use lol
(@FatMus2) bye bye
(@_SilentBob_) well if you're going to stare at that character so much during training and fighting, might as well enjoy what you see XD
(~Kuei) that's why I pick Urien
(@Keyblade9) lol
(@_SilentBob_) lmfao
(~Kuei) I mean......uhm.... Viper
(@Keyblade9) lol
(@_SilentBob_) I pick Rufus for that
(@Keyblade9) too late, damage done
(@_SilentBob_) Rufus is like pure boob jiggle, but everywhere
(~Kuei) fuck!
(~Kuei) does that mean I'm gay now?
(@_SilentBob_) definitely
(~Kuei) fuck!!
(@_SilentBob_) now be a man and go suck that cock
(~Kuei) well off to suck cock I go
(~Kuei) slurp
(@Keyblade9) lol you made it worse
(@_SilentBob_) take it like a man
(~Kuei) as long as I am happy doing what I do
(@_SilentBob_) yeah
(~Kuei) maybe I can unlearn my gayness
(~Kuei) there are camps for that
(@_SilentBob_) XD
(@_SilentBob_) it's alright to be gay, unless you're an attention whoring faggot
(@_SilentBob_) XD
(~Kuei) being gay and be in a camp with only other gay guys seems like the perfect way to become straight (@_SilentBob_) it is, it's been proven by the bible
(~Kuei) and as we all know, the bible is backed up by science and stuff
(~Kuei) but it is a fact that god is gay, or at the very least bi-curious
(@_SilentBob_) yeah, those scientists tricked us all by changing the planet and making it round instead of flat (@_SilentBob_) he is
(~Kuei) why else would he have placed the male g-spot 4 cm up the ass?
(@_SilentBob_) he created man first
(@_SilentBob_) XD
(~Kuei) and then he wanted to be inside man
(~Kuei) I imagine that's how it went
(~Kuei) he took the rib from Adam
(@_SilentBob_) yeah
(~Kuei) so by definition he was inside Adam to get it out
(@_SilentBob_) turns out, the man was hetero, so he created a woman
(@_SilentBob_) omg you're on to something there
(~Kuei) but then got all emo because man no want to have God-sex so out of the garden of eden for the both of you
(~Kuei) then in a hissy-fit God killed the dinosaurs
(@_SilentBob_) XD
(~Kuei) it's proven that dinosaurs and man lived side by side
(@_SilentBob_) there were no dinosaurs
(@_SilentBob_) it's a trap set by god to test you
(~Kuei) are you saying I'm making all this up?
(@_SilentBob_) the only dinosaur to ever exist was raptor jesus
(@_SilentBob_) he was the chosen lizard
(~Kuei) just look at the evidense, Flintstones! BOOM! Dinosaurs and men! Jurasic Park! BOOM! Dinosaurs and men!
(~Kuei) you just got served
(@_SilentBob_) all traps set by god to test your belief in him
(@_SilentBob_) flintstones was created by satan
(@_SilentBob_) it was the first creation of dinosaurs
(~Kuei) !!!!!
(~Kuei) noooooooooooo
(@_SilentBob_) the other ones were corrupted by flintstones and fell into satan's hand
(~Kuei) my worldview destroyd!
(@_SilentBob_) sorry bro, but it's never too late to repent
(@_SilentBob_) take the god dick deep my friend
(~Kuei) if I will offer my butthole to god, will he forgive me?
(@_SilentBob_) yes, but only if you accept the creampie
(~Kuei) can I lube? or is that a sin?
(@_SilentBob_) and suck it clean afterwards of course, it's only a form of respect
(@_SilentBob_) lube is an invention of satan
(@_SilentBob_) god created saliva, man's perfect lube
(~Kuei) I will spit my ass, as I spit into satans face!
(~Kuei) take me god!
(~Kuei) I am waiting for your loving embrace!
(@_SilentBob_) remember, god must film it to keep it into his records

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