Den här gången blir det mestadels citat från Brandon. Han har skön humor och vi har en otrolig personkemi =) Så jag dedicerar inlägget till honom ^^
"I had to make sure my straight was all shirt"
Brandons rak var inte skjortig nog
Christina: "Lets get sushi tomorrow"
Brandon: "Come on lets get sushi tonight pllllllllllleeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaassssssseeee, I'll heart you forever!!!!"
Christina: "OMFG....Fine... and if you ever say "i'll heart you forever" ever again I'll throw up on you..."
Brandon: "I heart You FOREVAAAAAAAAARRRR!!!"
Christina: ".. Okay... do you want tofurky chunks or sushi slush?"
Brandon: "Sushi slush for sure =)"
"You have the most talkative ass out of anyone I know"
Brandon blir less på fiskrig efter ett tag
Jade: "I want foooooood"
Brandon: "Then eeeaaaaar"
Jade: "Ear?"
Brandon: "No, not ear, eeeeeeeeeeeaaar"
Jade: "??"
Brandon: "I mean eat* even"
Brandon: "You silly swedes with your ‘ja-ja’s and your ‘smorgasborgen’ "
Jag: " ‘Smorgasborgen’? What the hell is a ‘sandwich-fortress’??"
Brandon: "I don’t know but it’d be pretty badass"
"It’s a magical non-spoiling sandwich fortress"
Brandon drömmer om sin smörgåsborg
Jag: "They look really good on you. You have a really good eye….. no pun intended."
Brandon: "ugh…. Lol I see what you did there."
Brandon ser bra ut i sina glasögon... såklart
Brandon: "i really cant wait to see you in those glasses"
Jag: "I cant wait to... see"
"and shes like.. ohh this is how you must of felt when your girlfriend was there.. to bad she only came once..
and im like.. actually she took 2 trips.. the second one lasted a month and a half.. and she 'came' plenty"
Brandon berättar om en konversation han hade med sitt ex som hälsade på sin nya pojkvän för första gången.
Kristin: "I have nothing against swedish people so Im not gonna go there"
Jag: "I have nothing against Stephen King people either"
Jag och Brandon gjorde narr av att Kristin ska flytta till Maine
Marre: "Pain in the ass!!!"
Brandon: "I think theres a cream for that..."
Brandon: ";D"
Jag: "lol is there something wrong with Uranus?"
Marre: "LMAO... Very funny you guys!"
Jag: “First time I saw you I thought you looked really huggable and squishy.”
Brandon: “Yea cause that’s what every guy wants to hear. I'm squishy.”
Jag: ”I did manage a ’Furp’ ”
Brandon: What’s a ‘Furp’?“
Jag: “It’s when you burp and fart at the same time.”
Brandon: “Oh you mean an ‘Alpha-Strike’?”
Jag: “What’s an ‘Alpha-Strike’?”
Brandon: “You know, when you’re in a tank or a mech and you fire all of the weapons at the same time”
"XD oh what the grape! I forgrape you! ...wait, that sounds wrong O_O "
Christina is going to grape me? O.O
"ah yeah, well done USA, but let's be honest, it's taken you ten years to catch a bloke in flip-flops!"
Chelsea ser den kalla sanningen
"Jag vill så det gör ont"
Gun tar i så det knakar